easy theory

Why This All Matters

Theory Computer Science Professors Be Like (Parody)


Fourteen DFA Examples? No Problem!

7th Chords Made SIMPLE | Easy Theory Made Practical On Piano

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages Example: 0ⁿ1ⁿ

Easy Chord Theory - Triads and Intervals

An Update

Interval Numbers - Intervals Made Easy (Part 1) - Easy Music Theory

Is this Context-Free Grammar ambiguous? (Sipser 2.9 Solution) - Easy Theory

Music Theory Made Stupidly Easy

Complexity Theory Professors Be Like

Simple Relativity - Understanding Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

What is the Time Hierarchy Theorem? - Easy Theory

MUSIC THEORY in 12 minutes for nOOBS

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages TWENTY Examples and Proof Strategies!

Easy Chord Theory - Diatonic Chords of Major Keys

Turing Machines + Decidability in 3 Hours (TM, Variants, Church-Turing, Decidability)

Building Chords Made Simple | Easy Major & Minor Chord Theory

Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages FULL PROOF

The BASICS Of Music Theory EXPLAINED (in 10 minutes)

Acceptance for Turing Machines is Undecidable, but Recognizable

What is String Theory?

Asymptotic Analysis and Runtime - Easy Theory